Jeanne Mancini Op-Ed on The Stream

March for Life President Jeanne Mancini recently penned an op-ed for The Stream, entitled, “Congressional Hearing Reveals Evidence Planned Parenthood Profited Selling Baby Body Parts.”
The hearing also made clear that the Center for Medical Progress videos are only the tip of the iceberg. Exhibits from the hearing also revealed that by 2015, the private company procuring and selling baby parts was working with nearly 100 abortion clinics. Considering the approximately 725 abortion clinics nationwide, that means that almost 1 in every 7 was selling baby body parts to this company. Documents during the hearing also showed that this same company was poised to gain access to over half of the abortion market just before the videos came out. Similar to the first point, this is despite the fact that Planned Parenthood has also repeatedly claimed that this activity is not widespread.