2010 Contest Winners

Student Contest Award Presentations
Professor Robert George assisted March for Life President Nellie Gray in presenting the Life Award achievement certificates to the student contest winners at the 2010 Rose Dinner . Professor George was the keynote speaker at the annual event.
In addition to being honored at the 28th Annual Rose Dinner, the winning students received a $100 award, plus the opportunity to designate a prolife charity in their home communities to receive a $100 grant.
The winning entries were those adjudged to best reflect the 2010 March for Life theme: “Stand Up Now! Unite for the Life Principles. No Exception! No Compromise!”
Each essay, poem and poster was judged anonymously by a panel of volunteers. More than a thousand entries were received from across the country.
We would like to thank all students who participated in the 2010 contests, as well as the teachers and parents who supported their efforts.